I was listening to the radio the other day, and the DJs were talking about the word “freedom”. They said simply saying the word “freedom” makes you feel better, is refreshing, and can even make a person smile. That, of course, made me say the word to see if it comforted me and it did. I found myself smiling and thinking of the movie Brave Heart where that word inspired many men to fight and give their lives in the battle for freedom.
Freedom comes with a price; whether physically or emotionally. Our service men and women serve for our freedoms in our countries and we are forever grateful. When we share ourselves with others emotionally and mentally, through our struggles and triumphs, there is freedom, as well. We no longer have to hide from our pasts and our secrets. No longer do we have to hold on to the ideas of dreams and desires in our lives. When we share with others, we give not only a bit of ourselves, but we gain “freedom” in knowing we are real with others. We are being who God created us to be.
What steps do you need to take today to gain freedom?
© 2014 Susan M. Sims
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Looking for a small group Bible study? Look no further: Being Transparent: With Yourself, God, and Others
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