Needing Some Direction

There are times in life we go through a period where we do not know exactly what direction we are going. This might be a time of change in our lives and we are looking to God for further direction, or it could simply be wondering if the path we currently walk is the best path for our lives at this time. Regardless, it is a time of reflection. Hopefully, that reflection includes spending time with God.

It’s in that time of waiting in the quietness of the Holy Spirit we learn the true meaning of who we are in Christ Jesus. Many times, though, we don’t allow ourselves the quiet time. We don’t allow ourselves the rest. We get so busy and focused on what’s going on in life that we don’t have time for retrospection and reflection. We get so flustered by all the busyness that we scream out to God in frustration when things don’t go our way. Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we go on and live a life not to its fullest but simply as mediocre and as getting by? I fear the answer might be we don’t want to know who we are or we don’t have the courage to face what we have become.

What we have become? That might seem like such a strange way to phrase it. But, everything, every action, every circumstance of our lives dictates a part of who we have become. Whether we would like to admit it or not our choices can make us or break us. Our choices can catapult us into a better direction or can drag us down and hold us back from a fulfilling life. God desires for us to have a fulfilling life. How can we achieve that life with our limited scope and understanding of what’s really good or what life has to offer?  I’d like to think there’s a magic answer. I’d like to think there’s a secret code that we can unlock to discover our true potential and who we are in Christ Jesus. Then I realize there’s not a secret code. After searching for an explanation I fear it’s almost too basic to even comprehend what it’s really all about with God.

What are we supposed to do to understand and know what we are to do in life? I believe it goes back to trust and faith in God and in what He desires for us in our lives. I believe daily we have to kneel down and ask for forgiveness and strength to not worship the god of self, the god of our desires, the god of our dreams and wishes. Here’s the rub, though. What happens if what God wants for our lives is not what we want for our lives? What if God’s plans are not our plans? There are times I am sure I could do better than what God has given me. I have learned, though, I can only worship one god. Am I going to worship the one true God who gave His only Son for me, or am I going to worship my limited “self”? Am I going to worship the God who has always desired the best for my life, or will I worship the self-god who wants what she “thinks” is best at any given time?

How do we know the direction we are supposed to take? Where does this leave us? It leaves me longing for a quiet time where I can sit at the feet of a God who loves me more than I love myself. I find myself continually praying before the Father to lead me as He would desire and not as I would desire. Constantly I am checking my desires and plans for my life to what God desires and plans for my life. It is an ever ending turning over of “me” to “God through me”. Let’s pray we have the courage to allow God to work in and through our lives each and every day.

What dream or desire do you need to give to God today?
How do you struggle with the god of self?

© 2012 Susan M. Sims

Image courtesy of Sira Anamwong at

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